Updated December 24, 2023

Richmond County was named either for Richmond Borough in Surrey, England, or for the late-seventeenth-century duke of Richmond. It was formed from Old Rappahannock County in 1692. Its area is 203 square miles, and the county seat is Warsaw. Some record books were damaged and mutilated due to unknown causes; additionally, the will books prior to 1699 were missing as early as 1793, and order books for the period 1794-1816 are also missing.
[Old Rappahannock County was formed in 1656 from Lancaster County. It became extinct in 1692 when it was divided in into Essex and Richmond Counties. Information on the GILLIAMs of Old Rappahannock County may be found on both the Essex and Richmond County GILLIAM pages.]
Hanover Parish, 1713-1720
Lunenburg Parish, 1732
North Farnham Parish, 1692
Richmond Parish, 1691-
Saint Mary's Parish 1692-1713
Sittenburne Parish, 1692-1732
Trinity Parish, 1692-1732

The GILLIAMs of Richmond County generally spell their name GUILLIAMS. They are associated with Suggett family. This family settles in Franklin County, VA.
Landowner's Directory
Richd GWILLIAMS, 80 acres
5 May 1764
William Ives and Lucy GUILLIAMS, bond 5 May 1764. Bond John Hammock
Marriage of Richmond County, VA 1668-1853 by George H. S. King
28 Feb 1742
Edgcomb GWILLIAMS, son of Richard and Mary GWILLIAMS, born 28 Feb 1742
Registers of North Farnham Parish 1693-1814 and Lunenburg Parish 1783-1800 Richmond County, VA by George Harrison Sanford King.
17 Apr 1746
Sarah Hill GWILLIAMS, daughter of Richard and Mary GWILLIAMS born 17 Apr 1746
Registers of North Farnham Parish 1693-1814 and Lunenburg Parish 1783-1800 Richmond County, VA by George Harrison Sanford King.
1789 Personal Property, List A
GUILLIAMS, Edgcomb, page 5
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
22 Nov 1729
Will of Christopher Pridham
Son Christopher, Jr., all land at the courthouse which goes by the name of the Ordinary, if he has noe heirs, to son Edward and son William and the child wife now goes with son
Christopher all plant. and land whereon Thomas Bristell lives;
son Christopher to pay 2000 lbs to tobacco to child wife now goes with when it reaches 21;
son Edward 50 acres of land;
son William;
son John;
daus. Anne Freshwater and Elizabeth Hopwood;
Ex. wife Mary and fr. Robert Tomlin.
Wit: Thomas Nash, Jr., Richard Gwillam
Rec: 2 Jun 1731
Headley, Jr. Robert K. Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800. Clearfield Press.
Richmond County, VA, Will Book ___, page 164
[In Essex, Ann Berwick mentions in her Will dated 9 Feb 1731/32, "well beloved son Richard Gwillliam" and "well beloved daughter Aggatha Nash."]
18 Apr 1735
Will of Anne Raynolds
Grandson: Thomas Hutchinson
Grandaughter: Susannah Longworth
Son: Andrew Hutchinson
Son-in-law: John Debord
William Coward may take his daughter that is bound to me.
No Exec.
Wit: Robert GWILLIAM, Robert Smith, John Alderson
Rec. 7 Mar 1736/37
Headley, Jr. Robert K. Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800. Clearfield Press.
Richmond County, VA, Will Book ___, page 302
13 Oct 1749
Will of Daniel Hornby
Travers Colston, Jr. all estate, if he has no heirs, to Rawleigh Colston, and, if he has no heirs, to William Beale, Jr.; The estate to be in the care of Capt. William Beale and Mr. Travers Colston during the minority of Travers Colston, Jr.; asks that William Nash and wife be allowed to live at dwelling plantation or at the ferry; Taverner Beale one diamond ring of 20 # sterling value whereon shall be engraved "Be true to your trust "; Capt. Travers Tarpley and his son Samuel Travers Tarpley; Robert Tomlin, Jr.; Winifred Beale; It is my will that Travers Colston Jr. be suitably maintained and educated out of the profit of my estate and that there be a Latin master employed at the rate of 20 # sterling a year for the space of five years. Against he at 10 years old. Which master shall have his residence at my now dwelling house during the said term and shall be obliged to teach 10 scholars and to take no more at any one time during the said term. One of which shall be, if Mr.William Beale pleases, his son William who shall be accomodated with the said Travers and master at the expense of my said estate and likewise Mr. Colston's son William shall be another when he is fit to be put to the Latin and shall be accomodated as aforesaid. The remainder shall be made up by this neighborhood by such as will put their children to learn Latin, particular Mr. Thomas Samford, the two Mr. Webb's, and Mr. Edgecomb Suggett whom I desire may have the preference of making up the vacancy with sons that are fit to be taught Latin from time to time during the said five years; Charles Colston; Thomas Beale; Capt. William Beale; William Beale Jr.
Ex'r: Capt. William Beale and Mr. Travers Colston.
Wit: Richard GWILLIAM, Mary GWILLIAM, Elizabeth GWILLIAM
Rec: 2 Apr 1750
Headley, Jr. Robert K. Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800. Clearfield Press.
Richmond County, VA, Will Book ___, page ____
▪ Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
▪ Headley, Jr. Robert K. Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800. Clearfield Press.
▪ King, George Harrison Sanford. Marriage of Richmond County, VA 1668-1853.
▪ King, George Harrison Sanford. Registers of North Farnham Parish 1693-1814 and Lunenburg Parish 1783-1800 Richmond County, VA